Saturday, January 9, 2016

Dog Dreams: A Play

Scene: Mary is sitting on the couch, feet propped up, the clock reads 3:30 in the morning. She working on her computer, namely class work for school. Roxie is laying next to her, down near her feet, front paws curled under, nose tucked down, and back paws stretched out to dangle off the couch.

Mary: type type type

Roxie: twitch

Mary: stops typing to look at Roxie.

Roxie: twitch

Roxie: high pitched "woof"

Roxie: "Woof. Woofwoofwoofwoofwoof." More twitching.

Mary: "Roxie are you dreaming?"

Roxie: -----

Mary: "I'll take that as a yes." Continues on with school work.

End Scene.

This is quite typical. Roxie sleep barks at least once or twice a week. They're little, I wish I could hear her real bark again, but boy are they cute little sleep-woofs. I wonder if she dreams about Rhett and me? I wonder if she has nightmares? I hope not. Or maybe she has dreams of chasing rabbits and squirrels and cats? I hope one day we get to know what our dogs dream about. She just woke up and looked at me. I think she knows I'm typing about her now and not doing my schoolwork. She's a good chaperone for that. I guess I'll get back to work.

Have a good day, all!

Roxie and Roxie's mom

Some Visuals for reference: First picture, feet propped on the couch, Roxie laying by them. Second picture, Roxie in her artists' cap. Third picture: A paw dangling over the couch.